“Paris Jackson warns 13 Reasons Why is 'extremely triggering' years after her own suicide bid - as mental health officials urge teens to AVOID the show”
The article “Paris Jackson warns 13 Reasons Why is 'extremely triggering' years after her own suicide bid - as mental health officials urge teens to AVOID the show,” Mia de Graaf discusses the issues of the new Netflix series labelled “13 Reasons Why” and it’s representation of depression towards the youth. De Graaf mentions the show as being harmful to the minds of youth who are experiencing a similar king of difficulty in their lives. The show has been categorized as not being watched due to the high impact of depression and suicide on children’s lifestyles. As this show is rated 17+ on Netflix, Paris Jackson states that children should not watch it without parental guidance or not at all. Censors of the show claim that depression and mental disorders are key points to understanding the meaning of suicide however, this is rarely mentioned throughout the first season on the show. Furthermore, the main character, Hannah, sends an underlying dangerous message towards the viewers of the show. Therefore, leaving schools at a loss, this show has caused great harm towards what school systems can carry out to potentially send out a better message to students.
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